Direct job posting is available for the following countries: Argentina, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine
If you're an employer looking to connect with talented job seekers and post job openings on our platform, follow the steps below to create your employer account on Jooble:
- Visit the Jooble website and navigate to the main page. Locate and click the "Employer" button on the main page.
- Click the "Post a job" button. This will direct you to the sign-up form.
- Now that you're on the sign-up form page, it's time to provide your company information.
We strongly recommend you to use the corporate email address when signing up as an Employer.
Typically, a corporate e-mail address looks like this:
For example, the corporate email address for Jooble employees is, where is the website's corporate domain.
An email that ends with,,, etc., cannot be considered a corporate email.
4. Confirming Your Account.
After submitting the sign-up form, you will receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided during registration. To confirm your account, open the confirmation email and click the "Please click here to confirm your account" .
If, for any reason, you are unable to click on the button, try right-clicking it, coppy the link and insert it directly to the address bar of your browser.
5. Wait for your account to be verified by our moderation team.
Once your account is confirmed, our moderation team will review and verify the details of your company and the job offers you intend to post on Jooble. Here's what you need to know:
Our moderation team carefully examines the authenticity and reliability of your company and job offers to prevent fraudulent or misleading vacancies.
In certain cases, we may request additional documents from you to verify the legitimacy of your company. These documents may include legal paperwork, licenses, or other relevant information.
If your company's activities comply with Jooble's policies and you have used a corporate email address, your account will be automatically confirmed after a thorough review.
If the moderation team has doubts concerning authenticity of the company, we reserve the right not to register the company or ask for additional documents for verification.
If you encounter any difficulties or have questions during the registration process, our support team is here to help. Please reach out to us via the Jooble portal, and we will gladly assist you.
Congratulations! Once your registration as an employer is complete, you can start posting job offers and reach a wide pool of potential candidates through Jooble. We wish you success in finding the perfect candidates for your company!
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Information on how to post a job or promote it after signing up as an Employer can be found in the following articles:
How to post a job on Jooble
How much does a job posting cost on Jooble?
Premium job posting. Service fees.
Employer Create Publish Post Account