Our goal is to help job seekers find the dream job.That's why we've created the Salary page, where you can get information about the current salary for the desired position in the desired region. This will help you to better understand what salary you can expect when applying for a job.

The Salary page can only be accessed via a direct link in the footer of the site. For example:  https://jooble.org —> https://jooble.org/salary

First, you should choose a profession of interest and clicks on it. After that, you will be directed to the Salary discovery page:

Salary discovery page provides an overview of Average, Lower and Higher salary rates by profession in a specific country.

On the Salary discovery page you can find salary data only by profession (keywords field cannot be empty), for example: Art Teacher

You can also find salary data by profession in a specific region there, for example: Art Teacher in London.
Furthermore, you can also view the average salary rates by categories: Yearly, Monthly, Weelky, Daily, Hourly.

On this page you also can find out other information: Top 10 salaries for related jobs, Top 10 best-paying locations, Average salary per region and FAQ. 

Recommended vacancies block includes 3 jobs related to the vacancy displayed on the Salary discovery page.  And from this block you can go to the job search.

If you have any questions or suggestions, we would be happy to hear from you.

Job seekers Salary page Salary discovery Average salary rates Job search